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The Encore Dating coaching program takes you through a step-by-step process, helping you move past your divorce and prepare to date again. Especially developed for singles who are new to dating, due to divorce or the ending of a long-term relationship, Encore's coaching program covers three important processes: 1. Becoming ready to date. Encore Organization Members. Organization members offer innovative pathways and programs to advance encore practice locally, nationally and globally. Age Wave is the world’s leader in understanding the effects of an aging population on the marketplace, the workplace and our lives. The Alliance’s goal is to embed the value of creating encore.

ANN ARBOR, Mich.–Some plays sneak up on you. Such is the case with Stargazers, now playing at TheatreNova.

For the first hour of this play by Reina Hardy, it seems like the story is about a geeky PhD astro-physicist student, Rupert (Eddie Rothermel) who is pretty socially crippled–talking to his computer program named “Mandy,” which monitors space for energy surges in space he should be paying attention to.

Encore.org brings older and younger changemakers together to solve problems, bridge divides, and create a better future for all. We elevate innovators and ideas that bring generations together. We accelerate co-generational solutions to pressing social problems, from literacy to loneliness. We uncover new ways to bring age diversity to schools. There are plenty of people eager to make new connections on Plenty of Fish.

Then there is a woman, Elaine (Katelyn Wilson)who comes to his office after responding to a CraigsList ad. She says she is a hooker and thought He wanted a hooker to make things interesting in his office.

The story, which runs about1:40 with no intermission, sneaks up because the metaphors really start kickingin at the one-hour mark. Of course, only the playwright knows just what she wasdriving at. But Stargazers seems to be a story about what can happen to us whenwe let our heart and search for love remain in the stars, always looking forsomething better or idealized on online dating sights, rather than taking holdof what is real and in our midst.

Rupert’s idealized woman is in space is Claire (Kaitlyn Valor Bourque), who appears in a bathroom mirror and we are told is in a never-ending party in a Orrerie, which is a mechanical model of the solar system used in the 18th century. Claire is a poet, and she says she is waiting for someone at this party–someone who never shows.

So, we have a socially awkward geek who spends most of his time staring at a computer or a phone screen, a woman who does not exist but in his imagination at a party waiting for someone who never shows up, and a woman who is real but who is not what she presents herself to be.

If this is not metaphor for men and women today–practically unable to ask someone out on a date unless they start out as an ad on a dating site, presenting online as something else than what you are and shopping for an idealized version of a mate who may not exist. It’s clever, and the writing is expressive.

It’s as if maybe Ms. Hardy had the revelation of her own life while looking through a telescope at the stars. Or maybe she is geeky about stars and the solar system. The writing reveals a certain amount of geekery about space with some hard won experience in online dating. It also speaks to both the science and poetry of love, loves lost, loves found and loves looked for.

People who spend time ondating sites will tell you that there is something disposable about theexperience. One person I know described it as an all-you-can-eat buffet. If youdon’t like what you have on your plate, you dump it in the trash and go back tothe bar.

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Stargazers puts some of the today’s search for love in a poetic, literary context that should make anyone in this space think about what they are doing and how they are doing it. I wonder how patrons who have been married a long time, not on dating sites and not so much in the know about astro-physics will connect with the story. But at bottom, this is a love story and we care about the characters, which is a win for this play and the playwright.

In any case, “The fault liesnot in the stars…

Read more about Stargazers 07/11–08/04

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