Seeking Arrangement Sugar Baby Profile Examples

You recognize what makes a Sugar Child Profile go from 'oh, fine' to 'wow, outstanding!'? It's the 'Regarding Me' Part on the Seeking Arrangement Account.

Some Bad Sugar Baby Profile Examples. And there are many websites and apps to connect potential sugar babies to sugar daddies but the problem is that some sugar baby profiles keep turning potential sugar daddies off. Many girls make several mistakes in their profile. Seeking Arrangement vs. Seeking Arrangement Sugar Baby Profile Examples. Seeking Arrangement is the most popular sugar dating site. Sugar babies and sugar daddies both use the app and website to meet and discover each other. Some are kind enough to share their Seeking Arrangement sugar baby profile. Check out the photos below to see how they write their profile.

If you know just how to create a dating profile, how to introduce on your own to bring in others, then that's half the task done.

Talk about yourself in regards to just how you want a rich as well as good-looking Sugar Daddy to visualize you. Talk about your life, leisure activities, skills and rate of interests, anything that would make you relatable to the Sugar Daddy from Australia.

Adhere to the ideas provided right here on just how to create the ideal 'Regarding Me' for your sugar baby profile ...

# 1: Pick the ideal username.

The first thing any kind of Sugar Daddy would certainly notice concerning your profile is your photo, and then your username. Only then they read what you have actually written in the 'About Me' room.

We are presuming you've picked the best image. Next, be imaginative with the username-- something cute, yet not too cheesy. You should encounter as someone who is clever and also independent.

# 2: Write an eye-catching summary.

Every Sugar Dating internet site will have an 'Regarding Me' area. This is where you expose that you are; what you are like and what you want out of the connection. This is the first impression you will have any potential suitors, so you can see why it is so important that you ought to get this perfect.

Right here's just how to do it ...

Attempt to seem intelligent without coming across as desperate. Your sentences should be grammatically correct. Don't compose anything ridiculous such as 'I'm a HOT CHIC, I Kick-Ass, If ya desire me, come obtain me!' That's simply dumb.

Try something brilliant instead, like, 'I'm a 21-year old university student, solitary and also trying to find someone handsome as well as mature, who makes me blush and also want I 'd met them sooner!'

Obtain what we are attempting to claim below? You should discover as professional as well as serious and playful and young, all at the same time.

# 3: Hire an expert copywriter if you need to.

If you locate it tough to write an engaging Regarding Me yourself, don't wait to employ an expert copywriter to do it for you. Sugar Daddies are generally rich and also advanced males who got rich from striving as well as mastering their professions.

What they do not such as is shoddiness or idleness of any kind of type, such as an account description with just a couple of lines.

Let's say: 'Hi, I'm Tina and I'm 22 years of ages. If you wish to know even more regarding me, send me a message!'

That's it?

You need to claim more. That's not good enough.

# 4: Don't do points that put individuals off.

Never utilize words like 'I'm a princess and also wish to be ruined by my Sugar Daddy.' Don't overemphasize as well as say, 'I'm the sexiest/prettiest woman worldwide.' That's silly.

Also, don't put on your own down, or utilize self-deprecatory humor. Be specific concerning what you intend to claim, yet never compose anything that develops a negative impression. Be clever and also alluring, but don't attempt to be too wise. Do not be also demanding.

# 5: List your sort as well as dislikes, pastimes and rate of interests.

Detail the important things you like in life and likewise those you dislike, each with a quick 1-line summary. Detail your pastimes as well as rate of interests and also be very details here. No reason to be described. Discuss your favorite food, dining establishment, and movies-- that's always a secure selection.

# 6: Speak about your worths.

What are your sights on sugar dating? What type of partnership are you looking for? What are your expectations out of such a relationship? Are there puts you want to go to as well as those you intend to avoid? Are you fine with dating a smoker or drinker? Are you a religious individual? Be honest about that you are-- that is constantly valued.


End with a wonderful call to action. Invite the Sugar Daddy to send you a message. Be flirtatious but not extremely sexy. Best of luck!

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Not only in a traditional relationship but also sugar relationship, everyone will want some different things from their partner. So what do you want from your Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby? Here are answers from our users:

What I look for in a sugar daddy, is friendship, love, loyalty, someone that would be there for me communication, honesty, a bond, money and pleasure.. For a mans needs to be satisfied as much as a woman’s needs..not financially”even though nothing wrong with that” but as a friend, hopefully someday more than friends..

Sugar baby profile examples to use

we want good communication, the 100 honest truth, not just a talk here and there sugar daddy but someone to build a bond and trust with, lavish things as well like clothes, jewelry, and etc.. and most importantly affection like great sex, some hugs and kisses.. a real sugar daddy.

—- sugar baby

What I want from my Sugar Daddy, is much deeper than what any amount of dollars could ever provide! I want trust first, then a genuine and mature relationship… sure we could have fun but let’s be honest if we cannot trust one another than our wants are not on the same page. Trust is the foundation of a great experience with one another. Would not make sense for me to want anything other that trust from my Sugar Daddy!

—- sugar baby

What I want from my Sugar Daddy is more than just money. I want someone that’ll be there for me. A listener, a shoulder, and most importantly a friend. Someone I can have fun and laugh but also be able to cry with. It’s important to have a bond with your SD otherwise it’s not really a relationship, it’s a business agreement. Especially if you’re only in it for the money. What I want from my SD is much deeper than that.

—- sugar baby

What I want most from my SD is them to make me feel like a queen. From spoiling me with gifts, to sending me flowers. I want them to be okay with sending me money and I want them to be okay with me spending their money. I want them to see how happy it makes me to spend their money also. My happiness should actually mean something to them. Money is a very import part to my SD relationships.

—- sugar baby

On top of my list is Trust Friendship and loyalty.These cannot be paid in any currency. I want someone who can hold a conversation and be fun to be with.Spending quality time and being spoilt in whatever way be it financially intimacy, Gifts or surprises is an awesome feeling.I wanna learn mostly from their smart heads and still have fun.Gentlemen kind of guys turn me on big time.

—- sugar baby

I am attracted to decisive, knowledgeable, worldly men. An Alpha male, I guess you can say. What I look for in a Sugar Daddy are qualities that men of my generation do not yet possess. I want a Sugar Daddy that will take me under his generous wing.

I want a relationship with someone that I can learn from, teach, and have a fabulously good time with as well. Allowances and gifts are important to me, as well as discretion. I have plenty of Sugar to dote on my Daddy as well.

—- sugar baby

My ideal sugar daddy would be loyal and caring, have an intriguing mind and want to look after me! I’m much into inquisitive minds and I’m up for chatting and learning about new things, someone who likes to talk is always a positive 🙂 Looking to find a unique someone who I can trust and have a good time with. Open mindedness is always appreciated!

—- sugar baby

What I want from my Sugar Daddy? I want someone to speak, someone I can trust, someone who gives me love, and call me “sweetie” or something like this. Someone to share my little dark side and my “pink” side. Someone who cares about me, what I do, what I like and all, or course I’ll do too. Someone who tell me “don’t worry everything it’s ok”. And the most important, someone to watch cartoons Hahahaha

—- sugar baby

What I want from my sugar daddy is love ,care ,loyalty and above all intimate friendship,Simone that will be there for me all the time ,someone I can trust,someone with good moral and sense of humour,a genuine person and a deal sugar daddy,one that will respect and treat me a sugar baby someone who can pamper and treat me like the princess I wish to be.

—- sugar baby

I want what every girl wants. To be shown love in ways much deeper than money or gifts. All of that comes after the long talks about real things.. I want to relate to him and understand him and be there when he needs me most. And I want him to be strong in taking care of me emotionally and physically before financially.

I want to experience things with him only lucky few get to experience. In all honesty there is nothing better than actually getting a true connection with another human being. Maybe I’m crazy for looking for the perfect daddy..but I know he’s somewhere out there..

—- sugar baby

I would love a nice gentleman who dosent mind getting dressed up and going out for a good time. I want someone I can spend time with and develop a meaningful relationship with, someone I can call when I’m having a bad day and cheer me up.

A man who dosent mind sitting at the mall watching me try on pretty dresses and telling me I look gorgeous. Someone who wouldn’t mind helping me further myself in life by providing a bit of financial stability for the moment.

—- sugar baby

Seeking Arrangement Sugar Baby Profile Examples

I want someone who can put a smile on my face treat me with respect. Someone to talk to have a good conversation have some laughs enjoy the same things I’m interested or introduce me to new things ! I want a friendship that I don’t have now and someone who can make me feel good about myself and someone I make feel good about themselves mentally. Money doesn’t buy happiness.

—- sugar baby

What I want from a sugar daddy? Well whatever he wants to give me but I would love to just go out for walk, hike… just getting out of the house… I’m a fish in the ocean I’m free and I love it so all I want is someone to take me everywhere I thinks that’s all I want for now everything else is just the cherry on top of the cake the gift you know.

—- sugar baby

My perfect sugar baby is everything I never wanted wanted in a girl when I was a young boy. Now that I’m an older man well my tastes have changed I guess from experiencing life itself. A little rebel, a little dark, a little playful and a little little 🙂 A lot of energy, a lot happiness, a lot body art and a lot imagination 🙂 Not shy with words, not shy with actions and not shy of herself. That is my sugar baby.

—- sugar daddy

Being a fair conversationalist, I endure one with separate intellect. Spontaneous with the right amount of gesture and respect, albeit honesty. I yearn for talks that manifest desire and want, value and curiosity, making me feel drawn away from an already distant reality. I love to see where different walks of life derive from, and the thoughts and actions that lead there path.

—- sugar baby

I want someone that’s like a mentor. I want him to make me laugh, fill that void I’m missing. I want someone that I can count on when nobody else is there, I want to know my sugar daddy will be there. I want to trust him and be able to just have tons of fun together and be spontaneous together. Be that version of yourself you can’t be with anyone else you know?

—- sugar baby

I just want to be treated like I’m worth it, to be spoiled enough to the point to boost my confidence. I look for affection, a fat wallet and for my needs to be met. Its just a regular exchange. In day to day life, the people who know me from school, work, my home town ect don’t know I exist so with this I feel like I’m someone. I just want to be treated like i exist.

—- sugar baby

I want manners an d 2 b treated like a special lady when I’m in his company I want sex that is mutually satisfying for us I want good conversation because I know we can learn from each other…..

I would like 2 have freedom I don’t want a control freak I don’t want 2 change anyone I like them wen I meet them not wanting 2 change them I don’t want to know ware they have been when they we’re out of sight and do not want to b questioned about how I spent my time.

—- sugar baby

What I look for in a sugar daddy, is friendship, love, loyalty, someone that would be there for me communication, honesty, a bond, money and pleasure. For a mans needs to be satisfied as much as a woman’s needs..not financially”even though nothing wrong with that” but as a friend, hopefully someday more than friends..

we want good communication, the 100 honest truth, not just a talk here and there sugar daddy but someone to build a bond and trust with, lavish things as well like clothes,jewelry, and etc.. and most importantly affection like great sex, some hugs and kisses.. a real sugar daddy.

—- sugar baby

I want someone attractive (inside and out). I also want someone who can hold a conversation and shares my interests. I am definitely not looking for a girlfriend but for someone to occasionally do something fun (art reception, wine tasting, charity event).

I would be great if the relationship moved towards someone intimate if there was mutual attraction; which is the right point for me to start recriprocating with gifts.

—- sugar baby

respect and intelligence. a lot of money but also a a compatible personality, someone who can hold a conversation . as with every relationship i would like to gain something more than material, like growth as individuals and a greater understanding of the world at large. but i suppose this isn’t the best place to ask for those things. so a lot t of me ney and decent looks will do.

—- sugar baby

What I want from my sugar daddy is someone that cares for me and I can care for in return, a loving friend and mentor to get lost in conversation with, I want to have fun with them because I’m a fun girl and all work and no play just ain’t the way! And when they can spoil me I can spoil them and connect to them, just please him in any way he needs.

—- sugar baby

I would like someone mature. Someone with good morals. Someone with respect. I’m tired of being used and treated like an object. I want someone to get to know me and won’t try to change me. I want to feel special. Money isn’t everything. It just helps you get from point A to point B. What matters the most is the person you share the entire experience with.

—- sugar baby

What I want is not as important as what my SD wants. I am here to please him and make sure he feels like the world and in return he makes me feel like the queen I am. I am not expecting to find the love of my life but if that is to happen well thank you Lord! Lol all jokes aside, I’m looking for a fun and spontaneous partner.

I would like him to be in control of everything, I love a dominate man! I want to pamper and please him as much as he wants to do the same. Just be open minded and not stuck up!

—- sugar baby

I want more than just financial support from my Sugar Daddy. I want someone I can genuinely enjoy spending time with. I want to develop a connection with my SD that runs deep. I have a very nurturing nature and I want to nurture someone while they cater to me by giving me the lifestyle I want to live.

It’s not just about the finances it’s about the laughs and the memories we create with one another and seeing him smile when he sees me wearing that lipstick he got me the other day or seeing the pride in his face when everyone.

—- sugar baby

What I am looking for is a friend mentor financial supporter and in time maybe a real relationship with this person it’s not all about the money, but it is a plus I would love to be going on vacations with some of these people.

There is some really good people out there trying to help but there is so many fake accounts it’s hard to know which ones are real and serious and which ones are trying to scam you

—- sugar baby

I want someone I can deeply connect with, someone I can be comfortable with. There’s no fun in being paraded around like a piece of meat and then brought home for a few hundred bucks. Keep it real! Get to know the people you’re talking to.

Make it obvious that you want to get to know them. Trust me, when you get acquainted it’ll be a much better relationship, whether it be just for looks, just for fun, or a serious relationship.

—- sugar baby

What I want most from my SD is them to make me feel like a queen. From spoiling me with gifts, to sending me flowers. I want them to be okay with sending me money and I want them to be okay with me spending their money.

I want them to see how happy it makes me to spend their money also. My happiness should actually mean something to them. Money is a very import part to my SD relationships.

—- sugar baby

I want an attractive person both visually and personality wise. No reason in lying about that. You see with your eyes first. I want a loyal and honest man that sees what be wants and takes it. I want someone to grow with and have fun.

I love spontaneous and adventurous people in general. Stick to the norm and I’ll get bored. It’s very easy to keep me enemtertained just switch things up every now and then.

—- sugar baby

I want someone that can give me more than just money. I want someone I can build a solid friendship with as well as have that connection. Someone that gives me attention and we’re the only two that exist when we are together.

Let’s go be adventurous and do things, this doesn’t mean we have to go to a fancy restaurant, let’s go hiking, let’s go to a forest preserve and talk about life.

—- sugar baby

Friendship, Loyalty, Companionship, Financial Stability, And An Overall Sweetheart. Someone Who Understands Me. Honestly I’ve Never Had Anyone To Take Care Of Me Before, I Love Helping Other People Even When I Don’t Always Have To.

But Now That I’m Getting Older And I’m Officially On My Own In College I Would Really Appreciate For Someone To Step Up To The Plate And Be A Support System For Me For Once.

—- sugar baby

What I want in a sugar daddy is someone one I can actually hold a deep and meaningfulconversation with, and being able to share things with them I wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing with just anybody. Also financial & emotional stability. I want there to be a mutual agreement between us & a trusting, honest foundation. That is what I want in my sugar daddy

—- sugar baby

I want a Sugar Daddy that will reward me from anything pleasing I do, such as delightful conversations, soothing massages, great outings, lovely walks on park trails, sexy personal dance tease, working out together and playing videos games and more.

The rewards I would like is Spa Treatments, Having a Personal Trainer for the Gym to keep my body looking right for you, Shopping sprees can always just be online shopping sprees or to the sex store and continue building a collection of good things to keep it extremely exciting, good head, every girl looooves getting that cl*t flicked, and so forth and so forth.

Maintain how you want me to be for you and for myself is all you have to do for me. I am person who just goes with the flow and give great ideas but totally indecisive, but I know what I would like from my Sugar Daddy is he comes around some day. Have a good day and thanks for reading.

—- sugar baby

I am looking for someone’s looking for some nom committal fun this summer. Ideally, we would travel together..go out..spend time just having fun. In exchange, I want money to get a house. That is my only mission. I am not looking for this to be a lifestyle. .sorry..once school starts back, I will not have free time. Lets have fun while we can!

—- sugar baby

What I want from my sugar daddy is a good listener, mentor, and a provider. I want my SD to be a generous handsome older man who can show me what it’s like to be loved and take care of me as I take care of him. I want him to respect my boundaries, manager their time wisely, and pamper me. A companionship and a shoulder to lead on would be nice as well.

—- sugar baby

From my sugar daddy I would like a lot of money and knowledge. A friendship would be much more beneficial then trying to get feelings involved. I’m young and in school working full time and I need a sugar daddy who is going to help me and also give me knowledge about success and life.

I would like to be a sugar daddies arm candy. A girl who can keep him young and have mature conversations with. Someone who can mainly be a friendly supporter as well as I am to him.

—- sugar baby

Lots of sugggaaa!!! A mutual respect for one another is a must. It’s complete nonsense otherwise. Without care and concern for one another as individuals and it only creates drama, heart ache, and bitterness towards one another. Honesty is so important to have as well.

It’s better to rip the Band-Aid off instead of slowly peeling it off feeling each hair and each patch of skin ripped off slowly and agonizingly. If things aren’t working out, let’s do everyone a favor and be honest!

—- sugar baby

I don’t want just some old pervy SD. I want someone who’s willing to build a friendship, share the things we both love and enjoy in life. I’m not asking for a “relationship” per say. BUT I would like to have that mental connection and well as physical if it gets there. I’m still a person and i deserve to be treated as so. Not as a piece of property because we both benefit from the arrangement.

—- sugar baby

I want a sugar daddy with compassion, one who is empathetic to my situation and can help guide me to be just as successful as him. My sugar daddy should be able to make things happen, not just for myself but in his life as well.

I can understand the pressure of wanting to satisfy all these beautiful women, but at the end of the day, finding a sugar baby who will stick by you and make you feel wanted is what matters. I want my sugar daddy to see my potential, and help be my guide to success.

—- sugar baby

What I want from my Sugar Daddy, is much more than money! I want someone I can trust, I believe trust is the foundation of any great relationship. I would like a genuine, mature relationship. In a SD I want a mentor, a good listener. Some who can guide me. An SD is someone who I can cast all my cares on, call on when I need help and potentially grow with.

—- sugar baby

I want someone attractive inside&out. I want someone who can hold a conversation and shares my interests & get to know eachother im not just looking for finacial help i looking for somebody to talk to on regular bases & hopefully meet up on a trip or something. I always want to learn things that i dont know of . So basically a preson to explore with.

—- sugar baby

i want someone who can make me laugh, talk to me, and simply spoil me and is okay with me being a best friend to them, even. someone who’s beautiful on the inside and is absolutely kind and generous. i don’t care for looks. show me how your heart is; show me how you care for others and people around you… that’s what i look for in a sugar Daddy or sugar mommy.

—- sugar baby

I want someone attractive inside&out. I want someone who can hold a conversation and shares my interests & get to know eachother im not just looking for finacial help i looking for somebody to talk to on regular bases & hopefully meet up on a trip or something. I always want to learn things that i dont know of . So basically a preson to explore with.

—- sugar baby

I look for respect loyalty honesty and trust. I want an individual that isn’t fake is very friendly out going appreciative and has a free spirit. One who is cautious with words unless we are in the bed room talk dirty to me one who respect and value women and isn’t afraid to spend and pamper me, I want a friend some one I can enjoy no matter the age.

—- sugar baby

There are many things I want from my sugar daddy. I want him to treat me like a princess and spoil me. I want him to mentor me in life choices.

I want him to teach me what he has learned in life. I want someone I can talk to about everything and anything without getting judged. If my sugar daddy happens to give me big gifts I wouldn’t mind. I also just want someone to help me pay off my student debt.

—- sugar baby

What I want from my Sugar Daddy, is much more than money! I want someone I can trust, I believe trust is the foundation of any great relationship. I would like a genuine, mature relationship. In a SD I want a mentor, a good listener. Some who can guide me. An SD is someone who I can cast all my cares on, call on when I need help and potentially grow with.

—- sugar baby

What id like from my S/D number 1 is communication never leave my mind to wonder we have to be able to tell each other the truth and trust each other.. I need you to say what you mean and mean what you say.

Do not lead me on. My S/D needs to be attractive and have nice teeth and always do right by me. Also to be sweet and genuine to be kind and well mannered. And to allow me to call him zaddy im pretty simple you do right by me and guess what we both will be happy.

—- sugar baby

I want my sugar daddy to love me, respect me, makes me laugh and happy! I wanna talk for hours and dance and maybe eat ( a lot) i love eating! And if it can lead to something else i’m never against it as long as we are happy tjen nothing should stop us. Of course everyone think money, but when you can’t find a job money helps a little bit still so yeah.

—- sugar baby

What I want in my sugar daddy is protection. I want to feel safe around him. I want to us to be there for each other. I want comfort and strength. I always look for a gentlemen. Someone who will treat me like a princess not a slut.

Someone who I can connect with on the same level when it comes to ideas and personality. I want to be able to express myself around him with no judgement as I would give back in return.

—- sugar baby

My ideal sugar daddy would be someone comforting but stern. He would be there for me to wipe my tears and also there to make me smile. Someone who can handle me being a little clingy. Someone who wants to show me off a little but keep our bedroom life secret. I want a sugar daddy to take control but also be loving. It may seem like a lot but soon I can be your princess (:

—- sugar baby

What i need im looking for in a Daddy is dependability, honesty, friendship, good humor, nice conversation, thoughtful someone who is outgoing and open minded. Most importantly someone who is gonna be there. Im still kinda new to my area…and ive been in some tough spots during my time here. And what sucks the most is knowing that when im down i have NOBODY i can call on.

—- sugar baby

I look for good communication, conversation, and the quality of a personality when looking for a sugar daddy. I could never be in ANY sort of relationship with anyone who does not communicate well or does ‘text talk’ — purposefully incorrectly spelled words or shortcut words. A charming, funny, and mature man are three main qualities I look for within any relationship I form, sexual or not.

—- sugar baby

I’m looking for friendship, loyalty, honesty, respect and a great time! I want a sugar daddy that demonstrates respect for who I am and for what I like.

Also I’m expecting for someone that helps me out with some money issues that I’ve been having. I’m a great company and I know that I would be an amazing companion! I want someone that has a lot of discretion about the sugaring between us.

—- sugar baby

I want someone who’s mature, caring and funny. Someone that can take my mind off of things and someone I can learn from. There’s a whole new world out there and where I come from is pretty small.

I would like to see what I’m missing out on. I’m also a good listener, and I think trust is very important. Someone that I can build a good relationship that will make both of us happy at the end of the day.

—- sugar baby

Seeking Arrangement Sugar Baby Profile Examples Pdf

I want a sugardaddy that wants a online relationship. With lots hot sexting pics videos and will provide me with my finacial needs inreturn for my providing him so many wounderful pics videos and hot dirty sex talk. I love surprizes so give me gifts to make me happy and inreturn i give u new sexy naughty photos or videos of me having sex with someone.

—- sugar baby

I want a sugardaddy that wants a online relationship. With lots hot sexting pics videos and will provide me with my finacial needs inreturn for my providing him so many wounderful pics videos and hot dirty sex talk. I love surprizes so give me gifts to make me happy and inreturn i give u new sexy naughty photos or videos of me having sex with someone

—- sugar baby

What I want from my SD is more than just money. I want someone that’ll be there for me. A listener and most importantly a friend. I want to create a nice bond etc…I would like someone with lots of respect and isn’t arrogant. I Would like for us to be blessings to each other. I would like to do and experience things that I’ve never experienced before.

—- sugar baby

What I Look For In A Sugar Daddy? Well I look for Someone Who Is Trustworthy, Someone Caring, Someone Who Know How To spoil A Girl And Show Lots Of Attention Too. I Think That A Sugar Daddy Is A Choice Of Mine Because I Look For Someone To Talk To and From my Past experience I Feel if You find The Right Sugar Daddy, Then He Can Really Reach My needs I Need Met.

—- sugar baby

I want to be taken care of. Ive never relied on anyone and id really like to start. I want a caring dependable man to help me and ill help him with his needs. Im a very reliant person whps willing to do almost anything to finally be cared for. Ive always wanted that type of life and now that im 18 maybe i can finally have just what ive always wanted.

—- sugar baby

In a sugar daddy I’m looking for love and loyalty. We have to be able to communicate when things are going bad or even good in our lives. My ideal sugar daddy needs to be able to understand I’m trying to live a fun college life and has to be able to help support me financially and emotionally. I need a sugar daddy to be there for me when I call or text but I’m able to return as well.

—- sugar baby

What I look for in a sugar daddy, is friendship, loyalty, someone that would be there for me communication, honesty, a bond, MONEY and pleasure. For a mans needs to be satisfied as much as a woman’s needs..

not financially”even though nothing wrong with that” but as a friend, hopefully someday more than friends.. we want good communication, the 100 honest truth, not just a talk here and there sugar daddy but someone to build a bond and trust with, lavish things as well like clothes,jewelry, etc.. most importantly affection like great sex &’ some hugs ya know a real sugar daddy !

—- sugar baby

I am seeking companionship. While I am open to the opportunity for something full time, I enjoy the aspect of a dynamic that allows me to move slowly or continue to keep things part time. I believe a strong connection can be made and kept without being in each others lives 24/7. I also seek to gain new experiences, especially travel, that I may not be able to afford.

—- sugar baby

I don’t mind looks or height. BUT I DO MIND HOW HEAVY YOUR HEART is…. and what your sex drive is like. I can’t deny that… sex drive is a must. I am a leo! Lol Loyalty – respect – affection ( kissing and cuddling is a must in my book) If you have and ear and tongue for languages total turn on! I am a huge fan of a man who is bilingual or trilingual. Omg that makes my toes curl!

—- sugar baby


what i want from a sugar daddy is mainly friendship, loyalty. somebody that will be there for you mutually. whether it’s just to talk or to listen. always be a faithful sugar baby. with respect on both parts. i would want an allowance with rules set in place. a sugar baby is not somebody who just asks for money but somebody who earns and deserves it.

—- sugar baby

I’m looking for friendship, laughable moments and loyalty. Honesty and someone who can take care of me. It’s allot to think about really, but what I want the most is someone who is understandable that I’m not always going to partially talk to them every second of every minute of the day. I’m a student and with that comes a student life with lots of responsibility if you ever want to succeed in life.

—- sugar baby

A listener, somebody who actually cares to hear how your day was and someone I can talk openly about our relationship and whatnot. Also id expect my sugar daddy to treat me with some love and respect, I love mystery so a sugar daddy who’s strong and keeps me entertained. I’m very outgoing and completely different from most women. I’d give my sugar daddy everything and more if hes as dedicated as me.

—- sugar baby

From my sugar daddy I would like money and knowledge. A friendship would be much more beneficial then trying to get feelings involved. I’m young and in school working full time and I need a sugar daddy who is going to help me and also give me knowledge about success and life.. A girl who can keep him young and have mature conversations with. Someone who can mainly be a friendly supporter as well as I am to him.

—- sugar baby

I want a sugar daddy that is a total goof and not worried about being a little weird. I want someone who likes to talk and spend time relaxing. My perfect sugar daddy would want to run around the apartment and talk about their lives and make jokes. Someone who doesn’t just want sex, but wants someone with a personality. I want steady money coming in, but I also want someone that really enjoys my company.

—- sugar baby

What im looking for in a sugar daddy is great experience with a open, generous, caring daddy. I expect our chemistry to be overly great, w would definitely have to be a great listener and talker! Someone who is honest and willing to make sure to keep a smile on my face as I would go over the top to do the same for him.

A great mentor and motivator. Someone I can have great night on the town with but also be able to have a little down time with! I would want my sugar daddy to make sure my needs are met and that im happy. There wouldn’t be no doubt about making sure my sugar daddy is satisfied!

—- sugar baby

I want a sugar daddy who will not only help me financially but also mentally. I’m looking for a well rounded man who is caring and passionate. Im looking for someone to grow with and someone who can lead me in the right direction. I want someone who is in it for more than just the sugar.

I want someone who wants to help me out even when things aren’t sexual. I want someone I can be there for mentally and spiritually as they are for me.

I want a sugar daddy who will not only help me financially but also mentally. I’m looking for a well rounded man who is caring and passionate. Im looking for someone to grow with and someone who can lead me in the right direction. I want someone who is in it for more than just the sugar.

I want someone who wants to help me out even when things aren’t sexual. I want someone I can be there for mentally and spiritually as they are for me.

—- sugar baby

I look for friendship in a sugar daddy, someone who will be there for me and I can be there for. I want a deep connection, someone who understands me and let’s me understand them. I want support, and affection, sometimes intimacy is nice, I want someone to spend my hours and days talking to, to wake up and find that “good morning, baby” text, it’s the connection I crave.

—- sugar baby

Having a sugar daddy should literally resemble a dad figure and roll. It is crucial to enjoy eachothers company. As for me I want to show him he is important handsome, and enjoyable to be around. I would always dress nice for him, hair and makeup done and always be the best me around him. I would give him head and back massages and be attentive loving and caring.

—- sugar baby

What I want from my sugar daddy, is money, attention, trust, loyalty, great sex, great communication. I would want for my sugar daddy to take me places if he decided to travel. That shows me he can trust me in whatever he does. I would want him to spoil me, let me go do my hair nails, and he will definitely get pleased the right way. It’s a 50/50 type thing NSA. He supports me and I support him in his needs.

—- sugar baby

I want more than just financial support from my Sugar Daddy. I want someone I can genuinely enjoy spending time with. I want to develop a connection with my SD that runs deeper then finances. I have a very nurturing nature and I want to nurture someone while they cater to me by giving me the lifestyle I want to live.

It’s not just about the finances it’s about the laughs and the memories we create with one another and seeing him smile when he sees me wearing that cute dress he got me the other day or seeing the pride in his face when everyone in the room realizes I’m with him and they get jealous. It’s all about enjoying life with one another.

Seeking Arrangement Sugar Baby Profile Examples For Women

—- sugar baby

What I want from my sugar daddy is honesty. I don’t want to be lied to. Please don’t give me promises you have no intentions on fulfilling. Treat me like a princess and I’ll treat You like a king and worship the ground you walk on. Be a gentleman and open doors for me. Teach and introduce me to new things and places. Expand my vocabulary. Fill up my passport and we will be happy together forever

Seeking Arrangements Bio Examples

—- sugar baby

New opportunities and life choices. You only get one chance to live YOUR life. Why not live it to the fullest. Everyone seems to have so much to say about the sugaring lifestyle EXCEPT the benefits you can gain from it that aren’t financial. Life lessons are what’s important and hopefully I’m able to gain just that; and maybe a great friendship as the time pasts by with my SD.

—- sugar baby

What I want from my Sugar Daddy, well he’s an amazing guy. He’s funny, smart, and caring. He’s not ashamed of showing affection. He knows how to make me feel cared for daily whether it be with his words or actions. He knows how to take care of me and what I need when I refuse to say it for fear of asking for too much attention or love. For him there’s no such thing.

—- sugar baby

I would like to be taken out on nice dates. I don’t date a lot because I don’t want a “relationship” so I want someone who I will see occasionally, who will take me out to nice restaurants, the theater, concerts, mini vacations and buy me nice gifts. A little financial help us nice but mainly I want to be pampered and spoiled by someone that I don’t have to see on a daily basis.

—- sugar baby

I just want to have a good level of understanding with one another and have us both agree on whatever activities we decide to perform. Yes I too as a sugar baby would like to be supported, but I also know that I must give in return to be given to. I’m not a user not am I a gold digger. I feel like every amount of money I receive should be earned equally.

—- sugar baby

Financial support so no worries on any problem. Possible get all the fun all around the world meet new people.startup nrw business to support ownself so don’t need to carry out any financial support from them anymore. Atleast life is not wasted. Life is short have fun while u still can u can’t take all the money to spend inheaven or hell after death right?

—- sugar baby

respect and intelligence. a lot of money but also a a compatible personality, someone who can hold a conversation . as with every relationship i would like to gain something more than material, like growth as individuals and a greater understanding of the world at large. but i suppose this isn’t the best place to ask for those things. so a lot t of me ney and decent looks will do.

—- sugar baby

A Sugar Daddy that is kind, open-minded and who has a sense of wanderlust. I also want them to be their true selves instead of a front many people seem to put up to please others. Someone creative and spontaneous. Good looks are just a bonus I guess because what truly matters to me is their personality. Nobody likes a rotten tomato so you’ll have to be be able to express yourself in the simplest way. Hopefully, this isn’t too much to ask?

—- sugar baby

What I want from my sugar daddy is attention, praise, and money. I’m willing to give my daddy what he wants (with limitations) but a sugar baby is supposed to be spoiled rotten! Establishing boundaries and expectations is very important before you start your sugar relationship, too. But I think a definite need is money in any sugar relationship. If my daddy isn’t willing to pay up, he doesn’t get any sugar :/

—- sugar baby

Money because as long as he’s rich has a lot of money and sends it to me by venmo at anytime it won’t matter to me because it’s all just a quick and easy fun thing to have with a person and it all just depends on whether they want to and how long they travel, most of it is circumstantial. I would personally like to send snaps and anything else for that kind of stuff

—- sugar baby

I do not expect to be loved but i hope my daddy treats me well, supports me the best way he can,shows me or lets me experience new things. There must be mutual attraction between us and we have to agree on what is allowed in the relationship if we both keep to it,then im fine. If he does not keep his end of the bargain then there is no reason to hang around.

—- sugar baby

I want some money! I’m a college student that wants to have no debt after school! If someone is willing to make that happen, I would be so thankful. I’m down to be friends, maybe lovers. I don’t want anything serious though so hopefully I find someone cool with those guidelines. I heard it’s possible to have guys pay my bills, my car note, and take me shopping!!

—- sugar baby

I want a friendship first, then maybe more if I feel like that’s what I want later on. I’m not gonna lie, I wouldn’t mind getting paid for our friendship or whatever it will be, because right now I’m going through a difficult time trying to balance school, and work, and on top of that my father is struggling so it makes life a little harder, the help wouldn’t be so bad.

—- sugar baby

I want someone that is physically and mentally attractive. Someone to have an intellectual conversation with or laugh about nothing with. I want someone that I don’t have to force myself to be around. Someone that enjoys my company just as much as I enjoy theirs. Someone that treats me right and is always honest with me. I want someone that’s a friend.

—- sugar baby

Seeking Arrangement Sugar Baby Profile Examples Pdf


I’m looking for honesty, intelectual atracción, money, gifts, the experience of a smart man that has lived more than I, a guide. Sugar dating it’s not all about sex and money, so if he wants sex I have to feel attracted to him (I’m not an escort, so I’m not having sex for the money). I’m looking for all kind of support, a sugar that can spoil you because he feels you deserve it!

—- sugar baby

Someone confident but has more dick in pants than his personality. Someone patient and kind, wholesome and funny. Intelligent while being able to give insight without belittling others. Someone who can provide for me and show me a level of support I have never had before.

Someone who values time and energy and who is there for the same reasons. Someone who sparks my fire and makes my soul feel calm all at once. Basically a soul mate I think ideally hahaha (putting this out in the universe bless fingers crossed)

—- sugar baby

Hi my is Roxanne and i need help financially and that’s why I would like to have a sugar daddy to spoil me with everything I desire and if sugar daddy spoil me I’ll do some treat my sugar daddy right and some time with my sugar daddy and go out and have good fun but I want to let my sugar daddy now that I don’t have a sexy body like some of girls .

—- sugar baby

Well let’s just state some things first…there are most daddies that offer money for sex on the site which is called prostitution and that’s not what I am not what I want. I am looking for someone I can connect with and for someone to be my mentor.
I’m looking for honesty and trust in my daddy. I want my daddy to spoil me with shopping sprees and gifts, take me on vacations, take me out to dinner, lunch and breakfast you name it..I want him to treat me like a queen. I want to be happy with my daddy.
The thing with me is the more time you spend with me the more comfortable I am with you and the more the chemistry will build. I want my daddy to make life not as stressful for me I want him to be there whenever I need him like a friend.

Seeking Arrangement Sugar Baby Profile Examples Images

—- sugar baby

The thing I want most from a sugar daddy is a mentor. Someone to help me grow and show me things I have not yet experienced. I am in love with self development and if my sugar daddy were not someone that could shape me into a better person than we would not be together. It is my hope that I find someone like this. I also want a friend and companion.

—- sugar baby

I want that extra love that young boys cant give fully… support….great intamacy…..fillfulment in bed….everything can be nice if the other is older with experience…it makes two perfect people……..i love extra care as well…and plus financial support…..its way cooler to invest in each other…. something for something…..i love sudy

—- sugar baby

A perfect sugar daddy is not just someone who showers you in money and gifts. In my opinion, a sugar daddy should appreciate what you do for them and a sugar baby should be willing to do almost anything they ask. They should praise you for what you do, which can include the sending of money or the giving of gifts. They should make you feel like you’re important and wanted in different ways.

—- sugar baby

Someone who’s there for me someone who just makes my life overall better. I would do the same for that person I think having a SD can be very beneficial and rewarding (not just because they have money) it’s rewarding to have someone who’s there for you and will always show support and consistency I think the SD& the SB could both benefit from this. I wish I would’ve considered this a lot sooner lol!

—- sugar baby

I want trust, loyalty, friendship, someone that can be there for me whenever I need it… The list can go on. I won’t lie. I’m someone who needs a lot and I think it’s important for SD’s and SB’s to know what they want before diving into it! Of course I also want to be pampered occasionally 🙂
I would also love adventure! I want someone who isn’t afraid to pack their bags and go on a spontaneous trip to a different city or even country! Someone full of surprises to keep me on the edge of my seat!

—- sugar baby

What to put for sugar baby profile

I want my sugardaddy to be honest with me,caring, sharing and generous. I want him to be able to suprise me with beautiful unexpected gifts. I want to be able to say my daddy treats me so wonderful and like a princess. I want him to make my poor little heart believe in a sugardaddy/sugarbaby relationship again. I want him to enjoy me the same way I enjoy him.

—- sugar baby

I think that it is better to not tell the other people around me about my love life and personla information that is only for me to know. It’s not something to be ashamed of but it is personal to me so I don’t want other people knowing that part of my life. It’s not something to brag about. I would love to meet someone who feels the same way about this.

—- sugar baby

I wanted to be a sugarbaby because I’ve always had such a huge focus on myself and I’ve always had so much of a tunnel vision thing going on and I’ve never really had time to be with someone else. So me having a sugar daddy would just have a lot of attention on me something that I don’t have the time to find socially. So just another great experience to find someone out here.

—- sugar baby

I want to be a sugar baby because my mother is finacially struggling to support me she sometimea can’t afford my school fees there was a time my mother couldn’t pay for my school fees and I had to stop going to school for a while year and I cannot stand seeing her struggle to support me I can sometimes her her crying from her room which makes me cry too ha I I’m crying rn 😅 so yeah that’s why

—- sugar baby

I want to be a sugar baby because I am a full time student and I am trying to get through college and pay off loans after. If I have a sugar daddy, there would be no need more me to work, so I can focus more on my academics and graduating. Not working a 9-5 will open much more opportunities to me, like an internship or some sort of pre-career program.

—- sugar baby

I want a man who’s respectful honest and trustworthy the arrangement won’t work if we don’t have those 3 simple things. I feel like he has to be kind hearted and be the type of man I can talk to when I had a hard day at work vice versa. It’s not all about money sometimes just a simple conversation can take things very far and that’s what catches my attention. If he is just selfish and arrogant then I don’t want him.

—- sugar baby

I want someone who I am sexually attracted to. Someone who wants to have fun with me (however we define fun) and someone who also wants to help me with my financial goals. I want a long term friend with benefits. we can do all the great sexy things and have a great time but be just friends. Also I’d like my daddy to be long term, I don’t want to invest my time in someone who isn’t going to invest theirs into me.

—- sugar baby

I wanted to be a sugar baby because I have always been their for someone. I have always gave everyone what they needed or wanted but someone has ever done the same for me. I want to get spoiled and treated differently like I was special. I’m tired of giving to people, I want to receive now. I want to be spoiled and be someone’s number 1. And that is what a sugar baby is.

—- sugar baby

I want my sugar daddy to be attractive and wealthy, but not stuck up and snooty either. I want them to be kind and patient as it takes times to get use to each other and what we both want. I want them to understand I have boundaries I will not cross and that I respect their boundaries as well, I want mutual agreement of the rewards of the relationship and for it to be followed through.

—- sugar baby

I would want for him to let me care for him and know that I genuinely care… to any extent. I’m not trying to be his wife initially but I do care if he had a good day or if he had any issue that he wants to discuss. Sugar relationships end sometimes because he’s not communicating what he wants or needs. It might not be from me but just in general.

—- sugar baby

I want a man who will protect me and take care of me when we are together. I need that feeling of protection from a guy where I can just be vulnerable and feminine and trust that he will take care of me. I want money too. Not because I’m greedy, but because growing up money as a gift was a sign of love.

My parents weren’t very affectionate people, but they said “I love you” by giving us a gift or money. So yes, money says “I cherish you” and words just don’t cut it for me. I’m really not shallow, it’s just the way I grew up and so it’s how to make my emotions work towards you and trust that you want me.

—- sugar baby

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